Your Network Account: What Is It?

Your Network Account: Topics of Interest

Your Network Account: What is It?

Description, Rules and Agreement

Ringling College of Art and Design provides an environment for the campus community to utilize appropriate computer and electronic information technologies in meeting the educational mission of the College. The College expects all members of its community to use electronic communications in a responsible manner. It is each individual's responsibility to become familiar with his/her rights and responsibilities as outlined in this and other appropriate college documents. There are also federal, state, and local laws governing some aspects of information use and distribution. While guidelines may be provided in the context of the classroom, each individual is responsible to remain knowledgeable about current laws and policies.

Every faculty, staff and student at Ringling College of Art and Design is assigned a computer account.

  • Every account has a Username, generated automatically according to a specific formula, and an initial Password which we encourage users to change.
  • Every account has a specific amount of limited disk space depending on the status of the user. For students, this is based on year and major.
  • The user is responsible for all computing activity associated with his/her account.
  • The password information associated with a user account is not to be shared under any circumstances. Accounts may not be shared.
  • Student accounts are valid in all computer laboratories. The same username and password is used on PC, Mac, and SGI systems.

For more details about account responsibilities, read the Student Account Policy. Please note that by using the account, you are agreeing to the terms that govern it.

IT Support Hours

  • Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

phone: (941)359-7633

fax: (941)359-7615

online support requests (for current students, faculty, and staff):