Residential Data Network Privilege Agreement
All students are responsible for reading, understanding, and abiding by the guidelines presented in the Student Handbook and republished on this web page.
Residential Data Network Connection Privilege Agreement
An Ethernet connection is provided in your campus residence hall room as a privilege. It is the responsibility of the connected residents to be good citizens. Like any other community, the online community of which you will be a member cannot function without some sense of law and order. Therefore, it is your responsibility to adhere to these and all other Ringling College of Art and Design procedures and policies. The data network is for exclusive use of Ringling College students, faculty, and staff, and is to be used only for the educational, academic, and research missions of the College. Ringling College reserves the right to change network access privileges, availability of access, and the terms of this agreement at any time, for any reason. This agreement is only valid while the undersigned is a registered student at Ringling College of Art and Design.
By accepting and using the Ethernet connection provided in your room, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth above and on the back of this form. Failure to observe these policies can result in a conduct violation, having your campus housing data network connection deactivated, or in severe cases, criminal proceedings. Ignorance of these policies is not an excuse for non-compliance.
- I will fully comply with the Ringling College of Art and Design Computer Use Policy.
- I will not use any software or hardware designed to breach the security of the campus network or any devices attached to the network.
- I will not engage in any activities designed to interrupt or intercept the network traffic of other users.
- I will not use Ringling College resources to support personal business interests.
- I will not sell or provide access to Ringling College network to outside parties.
- I will not use my connection to engage in software piracy or copyright infringement.
- I will not activate any type of shared file service or access to my personal computer by anyone other than me.
- I understand I am personally responsible for any activities originating from my network connection.
- I understand that Ringling College of Art and Design assumes no liability for data loss or equipment damage caused by my Ethernet connection.
- I understand that the use of Ringling College information resources on campus are guided by the same principles, and are subject to the same sanctions, as other campus activities.
- All use of network-based games employing broadcast transmission packets is prohibited. These games generate massive network traffic that disrupts the activities of other users across the campus network. I will respect the priority of academic use of the network.
- I understand I have the right to my fair share of the campus network bandwidth. If I have reason to believe another user or group of users is interfering with my access to the network, I will report the problem to the Director of Institutional Technology. Bandwidth offenders are contacted individually by the Institutional Technology Center. If the heavy usage is not academic related, then the student is advised on how to limit usage. Repeated offenses may result in turning over a student's case to the Dean of Students who deals with conduct violations.
- The student housing network is not intended to enable Ringling students to be Internet content providers. File Sharing Utilities must have file sharing turned off, or pointed to an empty directory.
- Ringling College of Art and Design reserves the right, and by signing this agreement, I authorize Ringling College, to monitor network traffic through my data connection for the purpose of checking compliance with this agreement.
Retransmission or propagation of the student housing network connection through the use of devices such as switches, hubs, routers, and wireless access points is allowed for personal use within the student's room or apartment. Institutional Technology technical support staff members do not provide technical support for these devices. Any troubleshooting of your network connection will require that your computer be plugged directly into the data jack in your room or apartment. All devices connected to the student housing network must be securely and properly configured, and the student who registers the device(s) will be solely responsible for any violation or abuse of the students housing network use policy resulting from the use of the device(s). Any device that causes any network-related problems or denies network service to other users may be disconnected from the student housing network without prior warning.