Your Network Account: Topics of Interest
- Your Network Account: What Is It?
- Your Network Home and How to Access It on Campus
- Changing Your Password
- Disk Limits
- Remote Access to Your Network Home Space and SFTP Connection to Home & Web Space
- Your Web Space and How to Use It
- Print Limits in Academic Labs
- Print Services
Your Disk Limit
Every Ringling College account has a limited amount of disk space, in what we often call Network Home or Home Space. This central storage is available from workstations in all computer laboratories on campus and is provided as a workspace for current projects. It is not intended as an archive for student projects, and we encourage students to make use of external media in order to archive their projects when completed. See the details regarding Network Home for more details about how to access and manage this space.
You should check on your use and corresponding disk limits on a regular basis. If you reach your disk limit, it is possible that files you are working on may become damaged and you will need to contact us to fix any issues.
The entries at the top of Account Management on the Campus Portal,, describe the space available, used, and remaining in your home space. Here is an explanation for each piece of information:
Available Space
The "Available Space" is the total space available in your home space, also referred to as your "disk limit."
Space Used
The "Space Used" represents the amount of space that your base files use, such as the files you see in your home space.
Remaining Space
The "Remaining Space" is the available space minus the space used.
Percentage Used
The percentage is based on the available space and space used.
Home Space Location
The name of the server where your home space is located.
For detailed information about your account and disk storage at Ringling College, go to "Your Account" section.