Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) is a collection of 30+ desktop and mobile apps and services for art and design applications. We are pleased to announce the availability of Adobe Creative Cloud subscription for Ringling College Students, Faculty, and Staff. Learn More
Projects saved in newer versions of CC are not fully backward compatible. To ensure that files you create on a lab machine will open on your laptop, you will need to update Adobe CC on your laptop to match the lab version.
Please visit Lab Software for information on the versions installed in the Academic labs. Install the Ringling provided version of the CC Desktop App in order to stay in sync with Academic labs for best interoperability.
Your Ringling College login Username and Password are the only credentials you need to access your Adobe online account. You will be redirected to the same login page used for other Ringling services such as Canvas LMS.
If you already have an Adobe online account and have been logging into the CC Desktop application, choose the “Company or School Account” option and provide your Ringling College email address.
Please contact us at the IT Help Desk if you have any difficulties accessing your Adobe online account.
Getting Started
We have created a video to demonstrate the process of downloading, installing, and using Creative Cloud. Follow the links below to watch the process for your computer:
Mac | View
Windows | View
How to download Adobe Creative Cloud
The Creative Cloud desktop app lets you download, install, and update your Creative Cloud apps. This version of the Creative Cloud Desktop App provides compatibility with our lab environment. You are welcomed to download the Creative Cloud desktop app directly from Adobe. However, be advised that the version downloaded directly from Adobe will NOT match the version provided in Ringling College academic labs.
Follow the links below to get instructions on how to download and install the app:
Mac | Download
Windows | Download
Still have questions about Adobe Creative Cloud? Learn more on our frequently asked questions page.