Cluster Announcements

Cluster Maintenance 1/29/20

On Wednesday (1/29/2020) at 10am, the Ringling rendering resources will be going offline briefly for maintenance. We anticipate that this should take no longer than an hour. You will receive an email when the cluster is back online.

During this time, output shares will also go offline. Any frames that you have rendered will permanently disappear. Please be sure to retrieve your frames before maintenance begins at 10am on Wednesday (1/29/2020). The output share is not backed up and frames not retrieved will not be recoverable.

Any jobs that are currently running in the cluster will be cancelled at the start of the maintenance period. Jobs that have been submitted prior to the maintenance period will not be requeueable.

After maintenance has been completed, you will need to unmount and remount your render output share to regain access to the output share. Logging out and back in is a good way to enable the remount of your render output share.

If you have any questions, please reply to this email, give us a call at 941-35907633 or stop by Institutional Technology on the 2nd floor of the Goldstein Center.

Omega Is Now Online (10/30/18)

Omega is online and available for rendering for all CA students.

Alpha Is Online (9/28/18)

Alpha now is available for Motion Design students to submit Cinema4D jobs.

Cluster Output Files Will Now Expire After 72 Hours (2/7/2016)

As of Sunday (2/7/2016) night, output files (logs and frames) in the rendering results share will expire after 72 hours.  Files and folders older than 72 hours will no longer be available.

Please be sure to plan accordingly and collect the logs and rendered frames in a timely fashion.

IT Support Hours

  • Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

phone: (941)359-7633

fax: (941)359-7615

online support requests (for current students, faculty, and staff):