Citrix Client Installation and Usage

Citrix Client Installation

The Citrix Client program allows Ringling faculty and staff to connect to Ringling's  applications that are installed on our Citrix Servers.  The following set of directions is how to install the Citrix client on your home PC.

Connect to the Internet

To access Citrix from off campus, you can use your own Internet Service Provider (ISP) such as AOL, Earthlink, Comcast, or RoadRunner.

Download and Install Citrix ICA Client for PC

The Citrix Client is available for free download. Click here to download the latest tested version. 

  • Click the "Save" button.
  • Choose the location and name to download the software.  I would recommend downloading into a temporary folder instead of your desktop.
  • Double click on the application that was downloaded. This will start the installer application
  • Follow the on-screen instructions of the installation program to install the Citrix ICA client on your local machine.  You should be able to use the defaults for the installation. Answer "No" when asked if you want to automatically use the username and password that you logged into the local machine with.

Connecting to Citrix-based applications from Off-Campus

Launch any web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer) and go the the following URL:

You will now be able to access your applications in the same manner as you do on-campus.  There will be one minor difference, since the data is sent over a secure connection, you will need to enter your username and password each time you launch an application, not just when you first connect to the nfuse web site.

IT Support Hours

  • Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

phone: (941)359-7633

fax: (941)359-7615

online support requests (for current students, faculty, and staff):