Password Requirements

Ringling College network account passwords must meet the following complexity requirements:

  • must be 12 to 32 characters in length;
  • must contain both numbers and letters (at least two numbers);
  • must contain one or more of the following special characters:
    ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = ?
  • must contain both lowercase and uppercase letters;
  • must not contain your username;
  • must not contain spaces.

A password should be easy for you to remember yet difficult for others to guess. One way to create a strong password within these parameters is to use a phrase that means something to you and exchange letters with numbers and special characters. Here are a few examples of strong passwords and what they mean in spoken word:

Please do not use these examples as your password.

  • Fu3l4Car@Run - Fuel for Car to Run
  • W3L1k3OurC@r$ - We Like Our Cars
  • 1Sma!!St8p4Man - One Small Step for Man
  • %ofR@ttlSn8kesInTheDe4$ert - Percentage of Rattle Snakes In The Dessert

We appreciate your time and effort in helping us create a more secure network.

IT Support Hours

  • Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

phone: (941)359-7633

fax: (941)359-7615

online support requests (for current students, faculty, and staff):